dalen, torslanda weather

 Latitude N 57° 42' 42"    Longitude E 11° 44' 11"    Elevation 45 m

Dawn: 04:03 Sunrise: 04:59 Moonrise: 23:21 Moon
Dusk: 22:34 Sunset:  21:39 Moonset: 13:36
Daylight: 18:31 Day length: 16:40 Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous
        Illumination: 58%

Welcome to my weather station at Dalen, Torslanda, Sweden.

The weather station in use is the Davis Vantage Pro2 Plus with daytime FARS, and these pages are updated every 3 minutes. The meteorological day used at this station ends at midnight.

There will be 3min 58s less daylight tomorrow.

Forecast Cumulus: Becoming fine.
Forecast Davis station:  Increasing clouds with little temperature change.

Conditions at local time 12:21 on 27 juli 2024
Temperature, UV, Solar and Humidity
Temperature 18,4 °C Temp Change Last Hour +0,6 °C
Apparent Temp, feels like 17,0°C Temptrend 3 hrs Rising +0,7 °C/hrs
Windchill 17,7 °C Humidity 74%
Highest Temp Today at 12:13 18,6°C Lowest Temp Today at 05:40 15,0 °C
Highest Temp in juli 25,4 °C 21 jul Lowest Temp in juli 10,8 °C 05 jul
Highest Temp in 2024 28,8 °C 23 maj Lowest Temp in 2024 -15,4 °C 06 jan
UV index 2,2 Solar Radiation 861 W/m²
Highest UV index Today at 12:19 3,6 Highest Solar Rad Today at 12:09 925 W/m²
Dew Point 13,7 °C Sunshine Hours Today 2,8 hrs
Rainfall, only from 0,2 mm and above are recorded
Rainfall Rate 0,0 mm/hr Rainfall in 2024 457,6 mm
Rainfall Last Hour 0,0 mm Last Recorded Rain / Snow 2024-07-26 21:08
Rainfall Today 0,0 mm Wettest Day in juli 13,0 mm 04 jul
Rainfall in juli 91,6 mm Wettest Month in 2024 91,6 mm juli
Latest Gust 4,0 m/s Wind Speed, avg in 10 min 3,6 m/s
Highest Gust, latest 10 min 6,7 m/s Wind Bearing, latest 223° SW
Highest Gust Today at 11:24 8,5 m/s Wind Bearing, avg in 10 min 222° SW
Highest Gust in juli 21,5 m/s 07 jul Wind Variation, last 10 min 128° to 273°
Highest Gust in 2024 25,5 m/s 23 feb Beaufort F3 Gentle breeze
Barometer absolut 1011,62 hPa Barotrend 3 hr  Rising slowly 0,36 hPa/hr
Highest Baro Today at 12:12 1011,69 hPa Lowest Baro Today at 00:00 1007,49 hPa
Highest Baro in juli 1022,49 hPa Lowest Baro in juli 991,81 hPa
Highest Baro in 2024 1040,68 hPa Lowest Baro in 2024 966,92 hPa
New All-Time Records Records since 01 april 2010 No of days 5231
Temperature Rain
Wind Pressure
:home::now::today::yesterday::this month::monthly records::this year::records:
:realtime vp2 console: :realtime gauges-ss::old gauges::trends:

Page updated 2024-07-27 12:21:00
powered by Cumulus v1.9.4 (10992)
leif ahlberg, torslanda, sweden