dalen, torslanda weather

 Latitude N 57° 42' 42"    Longitude E 11° 44' 11"    Elevation 45 m

Data read from station 2024-07-27 07:54:00.

   Station data feed to Cumulus

   Uploading / system error

Today's status
System uptime 1 day 8 hours  
Cumulus software v1.9.4 (10992)  
Cumulus uptime 1 day 8 hours  
Latest logged error  
Latest logged error time ----  
Latest logged error date ------  
This weather page runs since 01 april 2010 Number of days 5231  
All realtime update interval 16 seconds  
Full update interval 3 minutes  
Log roll over time midnight  
Data log interval 10 minutes  
Last update this page, every 48 sec 2024-07-27 07:54:06  
Station type Davis Vantage Pro2 Plus with daytime FARS  
Model year 2015  
Type Wireless weather station  
Measuring equipment Solar powered sensors  
AeroCone new Aug 2018  
Temp/Hum sensor new Feb 2023  
FARS reconstruct Feb 2023  
Davis in operation since June 2014  
Station transmission
Total ISS data packets 5165  
Missed ISS data packet 101  
Good packets from ISS %  
Console and ISS resynch´s 0  
Longest streak of good packets 261  
ISS with CRC errors 71  
SIM firmware version 2,0  
Console firmware version 3.15  
Console battery condition 4,66v  
ISS battery condition ok  
Anemometer battery condition ok  
Computer  24/7
Computer type HP Compaq  Elite 8300  
CPU  Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3470 CPU @ 3.20GHz  
Numbers of processors 4  
Memory 9214/12162 MB (free/total)  
Memory allocated to Cumulus 88,76 MB  
Operating system Windows 10 Pro  x64  Swedish  
Operating system hard drive Kingston SSD 120 GB  Free space 52,95 GB  
Second hard drive Kingston SSD 120 GB  
:home::now::today::yesterday::this month::monthly records::this year::records:
:realtime vp2 console::realtime gauges-ss::old gauges::trends:

Page updated 2024-07-27 07:54:06
powered by Cumulus v1.9.4 (10992)